Dspyt: Econometrics

How to Panel data python – An easy introduction

panel data Python econometrics data pooled data WHO regression pandas matplotlib

How to Panel data python – An easy introduction

We are introducing the concept of a panel data and illustrate the example of panel data with python on the WHO births data set.

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How to illustrate log returns vs simple returns

Python finance log return NumPy econometrics log returns statistics Realized Variance

How to illustrate log returns vs simple returns

In this blog post we are introducing the concepts of log returns vs simple returns, realized volatility and realized variance.

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Cross-sectional data – An easy introduction

cross sectional data data kaggle econometrics time series analysis data science

Cross-sectional data – An easy introduction

In this article we are introducing the concept of cross sectional data. A cross sectional data example consists of a sample of units at a given point in time.

Pavel Fedotovdspyt.com profile picture Pavel Fedotov

Pavel Fedotov

Kaggle time series data – An easy introduction

Python time series econometrics data data science kaggle forecasting Time Dependence Bitcoin cryptocurrency Stock prices macroeconomic aggregates statsmodels matplotlib acf

Kaggle time series data – An easy introduction

A time series is a collection of observations on at least one variable ordered along single dimension, time. Time series forecasting is invaluable method.

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